Winners Intertraffic Awards 2024

Company: Intelligent Instruments Ltd
Category: Intertraffic User Experience Award
This product is new in: the World
Introduction date: 16/07/2023
Jury Comment: "Sound barriers help reduce background noise from traffic, however, sometimes certain individual vehicles can be so loud that they break the law. Until recently enforcing such laws was challenging. But now, Intelligent Instruments has created SoundVue. Using a combination of video, AI and ANPR, SoundVue can detect and fine vehicles that break legal noise levels. The jury felt this represents a new trend in enforcement but the key reason that SoundVue was deemed worthy of the Intertraffic User Experience Award was due to its elegant user interface and the ease with which the enforcement process can be automated."

Company: SEE
Category: Intertraffic Green Globe Award
This product is new in: the World
Introduction date: 01/01/2024
Jury Comment: "Whisper acoustic panels certainly weren’t the only product focusing on reducing noise from road transport. However, they were, the jury felt, worthy of the Intertraffic Green Globe Award due to not only their innovative low-CO2 production method but also that they completely do away with the need for any surrounding casing to protect them so that they can be easily attached to any existing wall, and last for at least 50 years. The sheer usability – instantly reducing the materials required for building noise barriers – and also their recyclability meant See Whisper can make a real, immediate difference to carbon footprints."

Company: Valerann
Category: Intertraffic Inspiration Award
This product is new in: the World
Introduction date:
Jury Comment: “The Intertraffic Inspiration Award went to Valerann for creating Lanternn by Valerann, a traffic management platform that seamlessly integrates all the very latest data sources and delivers them in such a dynamic and uniquely actionable way that the jury felt it to be one of the most versatile and usable innovations ever seen. It takes familiar concepts in traffic optimisation and delivers them in such a highly accurate way, that it enables a new level of real-time reactions, that the jury believes it will inspire urban mobility management for years to come.”