Media partners
Media partners

The Official Preview enables visitors to pre-plan their Intertraffic experience. The publication that is distributed in print and digital formats provides ‘sneak peeks’ of products that will be officially launched at Intertraffic Amsterdam. The Official Preview also contains maps of the venue, opening times, hotel information and other useful information.
Publisher: Route One

The show newspaper will be available for the first 3 days of Intertraffic Amsterdam, highlighting all the new products and reporting on all the major announcements from Intertraffic Amsterdam 2024. Stunning photography and concise reporting make the Daily News the vehicle to help visitors gain maximum value from the show.
Publisher: Route One
Daily News - Day 1
Daily News - Day 2
Daily News - Day 3

Intertraffic World is a joint publication by Intertraffic and Mark Allen Group. This 200-plus page journal was launched in November 2009 and focuses on the major service and technology disciplines that can be found within the vast halls of Intertraffic, i.e. ITS traffic management, vehicle safety, road infrastructure, parking and smart mobility. Intertraffic World is distributed to more than 50,000 engineers, specifiers and key decision makers worldwide.
Read more about Intertraffic World Magazine >

Het MobiliteitsPlatform is een nieuw multimediaal platform (website, blad, congressen en social media) voor professionals die werk maken van duurzame, veilige, slimme en inclusieve mobiliteit. Dit platform combineert de vaktitels Verkeer in Beeld en PARKEER24. Het platform richt zich met name op de uitvoering van mobiliteitsbeleid in de praktijk. Het legt een accent op het vakgebied parkeren, onder meer met het vaste parkeerkatern.
Bekijk de in 2022 gepubliceerde Intertraffic Special »

ITS International is the most widely distributed, best read and most requested magazine in the industry. ITS International editorially covers the full range of surface transportation, including vehicular, mass transit & light rail. ITS International’s website contains the latest news, products and features along with an archive of material, which is ideal for industry and company specific research, all of which is freely available.

Traffic Technology International, launched in 1994, is the world’s leading magazine in the advanced traffic management, published 6 times a year and sent to 23,000 traffic engineers worldwide. Traffic Technology International also joins forces with RAI Amsterdam to produce Intertraffic World Magazine which is now the new benchmark publication for ATMS, parking, road safety, infrastructure and Smart Mobility.

World Highways is dedicated to all aspects of road infrastructure worldwide, from the planning, construction and maintenance of highways to tolling, safety, and traffic management systems. First published in 1991, World Highways offers Global, European and Emergent editions, the new Emergent edition provides a focused editorial on those countries that currently have a higher level of investment in transport infrastructure.

Carreteras Pan Americanas reaches the buyers and decision makers of the Latin American road infrastructure business. It is published four times/year, covering news and technology, as well as looking at key projects from across the region. Country reports are a major editorial section focussing on major road developments and include statistics and budget information, with key topics being those affecting Latin America road safety and best practice.
Publisher: Route One

Cities Today is the leading news platform on urban mobility and innovation, reaching an international audience of city leaders.

leStrade is Italy's most authoritative technical information magazine on infrastructure. A monthly publication with over 125 years of history, the magazine is a tool for the main players in the sector (MIT, ANAS, PIARC, AISCAT). leStrade offers alternating dossiers on tunnels and bridges and is divided into columns and fixed sections. Themes include legislation, design, new works, maintenance, innovation, environment, materials and machinery. leStrade also offers specials in Italian and English and helps coordinate specialist conferences.

Het doel van OV-Magazine is (zowel offline als online) om professionals in de ov-sector en aanpalende vakgebieden te informeren over plannen, projecten en ontwikkelingen in het vakgebied. Ook biedt OV-Magazine een podium voor prikkelende visies en discussie.
Strategic media partner - parking network

Parking Network is the leading source of information on parking and connecting professionals through our online and offline channels. The Parking Network community connects over 35,000 parking professionals worldwide and provides the latest developments in the parking industry. At, we publish the latest news, product showcases, job openings and tenders related to parking, and you will find the most complete industry and parking professionals directory. We host networking events such as this, the Airport Parking Network Event, as well as the Shopping Center Parking Network Event, and the Parking Network Virtual Conference.

Parking Today Media provides the broadest circulation and coverage of any media in the parking industry, worldwide. With up to 18,000 mailed each month, the magazine reaches a broad spectrum of owners, operators, municipalities, universities, airports, shopping centers and venues with parking as one of their missions. Newest under the Parking Today Umbrella is and Parking Technology Today. is a on line aggregator of parking news from around the world. Up to 20 new links are posted daily and it receives more than 8000 views monthly. Parking Technology Today is an annual publication that covers all aspects of technology as it fits the parking industry. It is mailed to 20,000 industry members annually.
Publisher: Parking Today Media

A bimonthly technical magazine covering issues related to the construction, maintenance and management of road infrastructure in Italy. Edited by a team of experts, the magazine covers the technical and economic aspects of the road infrastructure sector and features the most advanced and complete editorial content available today. Publishes technical articles – also in English – on studies and solutions to the range of problems regarding the construction and maintenance of road infrastructure: asphalt mixing plants and special paving machines, earth moving machines, equipment, systems, materials, safety, road management, traffic, ITS and Smart Road, transports and services Administrations.

Straße und Autobahn is the monthly magazine for research, regulations and implementation for the planning, construction and operation of traffic facilities. It covers primarily roads and paths, but also bridges, tunnels, pedestrian zones, car parks and noise protection systems. In addition to scientific articles, practice-orientated reports round off the magazine with information from industry and trade.
The magazine for engineers and decision-makers in administration, industry and science is the official voice of FGSV, the German Research Association for Road and Transport Engineering, BSVI, the German Association of Road Construction and Transport Engineers, and FSV, the Austrian Research Association for Road, Rail and Transport.

Straßenverkehrstechnik covers all aspects of transport infrastructure, such as traffic management, research, planning, engineering, smart mobility and traffic safety in scientific articles as well as in short reports on innovative technologies and products. The monthly magazine targets decision-makers in administration, science and industry and represents their core print information source.
The magazine is the official voice of FGSV, the German Research Association for Road and Transport Engineering, BSVI, the German Association of Road Construction and Transport Engineers, and FSV, the Austrian Research Association for Road, Rail and Transport.

ZVS Zeitschrift für Verkehrssicherheit is dedicated to all aspects of road safety focusing on fields that are directly or indirectly related to, influence or compensate human behaviour, i.e. traffic psychology and traffic medicine, driver training, fitness to drive, safety technologies, accident reconstruction and safe infrastructure. With its interdisciplinary approach and its combination of academic articles and practice-orientated information, ZVS is an important source of knowledge and provides a well-founded overview of current research, trends, discussions and key legal issues. ZVS is the official voice of DGVM, German Society for Traffic Medicine, and DGVP, German Society for Traffic Psychology.

TrafficInfraTech is an exclusive industry specific bi-monthly magazine published by Virtual Info Systems from Mumbai, India.
The magazine disseminates information on the latest technologies, solutions and products related to traffic & transport and carries expert opinions on related issues. The magazine covers latest in traffic management, intelligent transportation systems, tolling, safety, security, parking, infrastructure, public transport, logistics, future mobility, EVs and emerging technologies.

Verkeerskunde wordt gemaakt voor en door verkeerskundigen. Op dit platform worden nieuwe vakkennis en vakervaringen uitgewisseld en staat de vakmens en de vakontwikkeling centraal.
Verkeerskunde is hét vakmedium voor verkeers- en mobiliteitsprofessionals. Door de vakartikelen, vakvisies, blogs, dossierbijdragen en bijeenkomsten komt nieuwe vakkennis boven water, ontstaan nieuwe inzichten, wordt vakkennis verrijkt en krijgt de lezer handvatten voor het dagelijks werk.

Vexpan is the authority on parking within the mobility and urban development sector. The industry association strives to connect the various stakeholders when it comes to new initiatives and (digital) developments. By exchanging information in the network, we can continuously improve the quality of the parking field in an integrated manner. Throughout the year, Vexpan organizes events such as lunch meetings, Gemeenten Dag, ParkeerVak and Nationaal Parkeer Congres. In short, Vexpan is the platform for parking in the Netherlands.
Vexpan is dé autoriteit op het gebied van parkeren binnen de sector mobiliteit en stedelijke ontwikkeling. De branchevereniging streeft ernaar de verschillende belanghebbenden met elkaar te verbinden als het gaat om nieuwe initiatieven en (digitale) ontwikkelingen. Door informatie uitwisseling in het kennisnetwerk kunnen wij integraal de kwaliteit van het vakgebied parkeren continu verbeteren. Vexpan organiseert door het jaar heen evenementen zoals lunchbijeenkomsten, Themadag Gemeenten, het ParkeerVak en het Nationaal Parkeercongres. Kortom, Vexpan is hét platform voor parkeren in Nederland.

Safety, Sustainability and Smart Infrastructure are the main topics of VISION Journal, a new European high quality dissemination project of Road and Railway best practices based on digital and paper communication tools. Its targets and sources are authorities, operators, designers, contractors, universities and companies driven by innovation. VISION Journal daily shares ideas, insights, trends and
experiences with all the infrastructure leaders and stakeholders with the goal of creating a “bridge” among them (VJ Lab concept). All the VISION Journal editorial productions, including the paper ones (VJ Magazine IT/EN and VJ Paper EN), are also digitally and open&free, without subscriptions or costs for users.