World's first driverless Autonomous Rail Rapid Transit system launches in China

World's first driverless Autonomous Rail Rapid Transit system launches in China

Autonomous drivingChina

World's first driverless Autonomous Rail Rapid Transit system launches in China

A first test run of the world’s first driverless Autonomous Rail Rapit Transit (ART) system has started in China. The ART is an urban transport system and with its 32 meters long a cross between a bus, train and tram. Citizens can take the smart bus in Zhuzhou, central China as of late October. The bus is equipped with sensors that can read the dimensions of roads and plan its own route. It can reach a speed up to 70 km/h and can carry up to 300 passengers. It currently travels autonomously for 3.1km between four stations.

Source: Xinhua »

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