Interview with Kai Feldkamp (RWS)
At Rijkswaterstaat, the Dutch highways authority, Kai Feldkamp is exploring the potential around connected vehicle technology even as the direction of future communications channels remains unclear.
As the Netherlands gears up for Intertraffic Amsterdam 2018 (March 20-23), the host nation is proving to be a leading example in the pursuit of better, smarter transportation infrastructure. The country’s highways authority, Rijkswaterstaat (RWS), will be present at the event beginning on March 20 at the RAI Amsterdam, and Kai Feldkamp, RWS program director for smart mobility, is anticipating that it will be well worth a visit. “There is going to be a big focus on smart mobility – it will be a great opportunity for people to experience what the Netherlands is doing in that field,” he says.
By James Allen
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