parkingreform mexico

How Mexico City Became a Leader in Parking Reform


How Mexico City Became a Leader in Parking Reform

Institute for Transportation & Development Policies has been working to reform parking policies worldwide for over a decade as a way to shift cities toward sustainable transport. In July 2017, Mexico City Mayor Miguel Ángel Mancera announced changes in the construction code that would curtail the development of further off-street parking development. The new norm changes minimum parking requirements to maximums and puts Mexico City, the largest city in North America, far ahead of other cities in its commitment to prioritizing people over cars.

This major policy change is a result of ITDP Mexico's advocacy over the last 10 years when the team began working with government agencies to develop alternatives to ht private car, as well as mechanisms to reduce its use. With the support of the Ministry of Urban Development and Housing (SEDUVI), the research study "Less Parking, More City," provided enough evidence to show unsustainable trends of constructing buildings for cars, ultimately sending people to live in the periphery.

See the "Less Parking, More City Timeline" here.

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