Verkeersborden Nederland

20 percent of the traffic signs in the Netherlands are redundant

Traffic management

20 percent of the traffic signs in the Netherlands are redundant

According to the traffic association VVN, CROW and HR-Group, 20 per cent of all the traffic signs in the Netherlands are redundant. These redundant traffic signs are decreasing road safety and therefore they should be removed.

The organization who is taking care of all the traffic signs in the Netherlands did investigate if all the traffic signs in the Netherlands are still relevant. The answer was no, in total the Netherlands has 3 million traffic signs. 600 thousand of these signs are not relevant anymore. These redundant signs distract drivers and it can cause confusion.

Rob Stomphorst of the VVN says “It is clear that road authorities will continue to place signs to inform road users of anything and everything or to warn of dangerous situations. But that can be counter-productive. Because instead of making it safer authorities make it more dangerous."

The public works department of Rijkswaterstaat said that they will work on removing the redundant road signs.

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