ON AIR | EPISODE 3 & 4 | 22 june 2021
Parking as a Service & SUMP
The parking sector currently faces many urban mobility & climate challenges such as tackling congestion and liveability issues as well as responding to new health & security requirements due to the pandemic. Reducing search traffic in city centres, getting get rid of fully parked streets, striving for multiple use of urban space and creating customized parking services, are at the top of the agenda of many policy makers.
22 June 10:00 - 12:00 | Episode 3 | Line-up

Marinda Hall
Since 2009 Marinda has been working on strategic issues about infrastructure, policy-making, complex (international) cooperation and related themes.

Ivo Cré
Director Policy & Projects and Dissemination WP leader of Park4SUMP

Bastiaan Pigge
City of Rotterdam
Smart Mobility & Parking advisor

Bjorn Ove
City of Trondheim
Project Leader Lighthouse
Improving Road Safety: Vision Zero
The only way to really bring the number of traffic victims down is the employment of a 'vision zero’ and ‘safe system' approach. Herein, the entire design of traffic and the lay-out of road and cycle infrastructure is centered around the most fallible and vulnerable road users: humans. According to the OECD, pioneers Sweden and The Netherlands introduced a proactive, integral approach in the 1990s, using labels as 'Vision Zero' (Sweden) and 'Sustainable Road Safety' (NL). What are the successes and challenges and what kind of new smart roadside equipment and driver assistance systems have been developed?

Marinda Hall
Since 2009 Marinda has been working on strategic issues about infrastructure, policy-making, complex (international) cooperation and related themes.

Maria Krafft
Swedish Transport Administration
Director of Traffic Safety and Sustainability at the Swedish Transport Administration. PhD and Associate Professor in Traffic Medicine at Umeå University in Sweden.

Mehmet Aras
Global Segment Leader Transportation and Smart Mobility

Peter van der knaap
Institute for Road Safety Research
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