Intertaffic Amsterdam moves to 23 - 26 March 2021


Intertraffic Amsterdam moves to 23 - 26 March 2021

UPDATE: Intertraffic Amsterdam is now scheduled for 29 March - 1 April 2022. See our more recent press release for further details.

Amsterdam, 11 March 2020

Intertraffic Amsterdam has been rescheduled from 21-24 April 2020 to 23 - 26 March 2021. We, as organizer, are complying with the explicit wishes of both exhibitors and visitors to reschedule the event. The significant increase in the global spread of COVID-19 has resulted in this decision. The Intertraffic team wants to thank you for the overwhelming number of positive reactions we received to the rescheduling announcement. Thank you for your heart-warming support and we wish you, your family and business all the best for the coming period.

Joyce de Winter, Exhibition manager of Intertraffic at RAI Amsterdam comments: “Catching up with your peers, networking and meeting people from all over the world is core to the success of Intertraffic. Under the current circumstances Intertraffic Amsterdam cannot fulfill its purpose next month without substantial compromises and in view of an anticipated decrease in exhibitor and visitor numbers”.

Intertraffic, as the key industry event in the traffic and mobility sector, caters for a global community. 90% of the exhibitors are international and in 2018 visitors originated from 140 countries. The international character of the event is significantly impacted by the measures taken in other countries. The top three exhibiting countries outside The Netherlands are China, Italy and Germany. In these and other countries, measures have been put in place which influence exhibitor’s and visitor’s ability to attend.

Joyce de Winter underlines: "We have an obligation to our community to meet the quality and expectations associated with our brand. Hence the decision to reschedule this year’s edition, to serve you and stage Intertraffic to its full potential in 2021"

Switch to the uneven years

With the change of dates to 2021, the biennial frequency of Intertraffic Amsterdam will as of now move to the uneven years. The upcoming editions will hence be in 2021, 2023 etc.

We look forward to seeing you in 2021. Stay tuned via our website. For questions, feel free to contact us.

RAI Amsterdam

RAI Amsterdam will follow with immediate effect the new measures announced by the Dutch government to prevent any further spread of the COVID-19 Corona virus. RAI Amsterdam statement and updates on COVID-19 can be found here


Share your story

Do you have an innovation, research results or an other interesting topic you would like to share with the professionals in the infrastructure, traffic management, safety, smart mobility and parking industry? The Intertraffic website and social media channels are a great platform to showcase your stories!

Please contact our Sr Brand Marketing Manager Carola Jansen-Young.

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