Truvelo welcome Staffordshire Police as new client

by calvin hutt25 March 20242 min read

Truvelo is pleased to announce that it has secured a new contract with Staffordshire Police Following news reports that two former members of Staffordshire Safer Roads Partnership police staff have being jailed after they worked together to delete speeding offences, Truvelo is proud to announce that Staffordshire Safer Roads Partnership has recently procured a replacement mobile enforcement solution from Truvelo consisting of the LASERcam 4, a hand-held device that can measure speed and capture video evidence of speeding offences and other moving traffic violations, and VMS, a browser-based back-office software system that can process all types of enforceable driving, moving traffic and parking offences.

The new solution will enable Staffordshire Police to enhance its road safety enforcement capabilities and support modern digital policing by negating the need for any removable media and the introduction of an end-to-end audit trail. The solution will also ensure that Staffordshire Police are compliant with the National Enabling Programme (NEP), which aims to standardise the technology used by police forces across the UK. By adopting Truvelo's solutions, Staffordshire Police can benefit from improved interoperability, data security and efficiency.

Truvelo's Technical Sales Manager, Steve Townsend, said: "We are delighted to have been awarded this contract by Staffordshire Police, which demonstrates their confidence in our products and services. We look forward to working with them to deliver a successful implementation and provide ongoing support. This contract also reinforces our position as a trusted supplier on the CCS TTAS framework, which we believe offers significant value and convenience to our public sector customers."