
Vehicle Cabin Visual Inspection

Vehicle Cabin Visual Inspection

Image and Video AI Traffic Surveillance

With years of experience in AI recognition for traffic, we are also able to deliver solutions such as Vehicle Cabin Visual Inspection. We can process the low-resolution vehicle cabin images in low light conditions and limited view through the windshield. This allows us to detect seat occupancy, seat belts fastened and driver distraction.

Traffic Analyzer

Traffic Analyzer

Traffic Data Video Analysis

A desktop application for video data analysis that integrates MMR and ANPR technologies. The input of the application can be a video file, an online video stream, or a photo directory. The application detects and reads license plates and independently recognizes other vehicle attributes such as make, model, generation, vehicle color, and direction of view.

Make and Model Vehicle Classification

Make and Model Vehicle Classification

Image and Video AI Traffic Surveillance

Our state of the art AI software detects vehicles and recognizes their category, make, model, generation, variation, TAG and colour from front and rear images taken in both day and night light conditions. Number plate reading independent! Recognizes frontal vs. rear vehicle view, 295+ vehicles makes, 2294+ vehicle models, 6075+ generations, 11 vehicle categories, 9 tags. The category accuracy is higher than 99%, make and model is higher than 98%. Low-resolution images recognition, from 20 pixels per meter.

Car Number Plate Reading

Car Number Plate Reading

Image and Video AI Traffic Surveillance

Highly accurate ANPR software based on AI specifically trained for reading number plates in variable real conditions. It detects and reads all number plates that are visible in the image and also recognizes special characters and country codes. It supports both one-line and multi-line number plates as well as ADR plates.

Forensic Number Plate Reading

Forensic Number Plate Reading

Reading human unreadable license plates.

Reading unreadable license plates captured in bad conditions by non-ANPR cameras, which are even impossible or hard to read by human.

UIC wagon numbers reading

UIC wagon numbers reading

System for reading UIC wagon numbers.

Reading UIC wagon numbers captured by camera from the wagon side.



Image data anonymization

Software detects faces and car number plates in various scales and orientations and applies blurring filters to make the faces unidentifiable and the number plates unreadable. It supports 360o panoramic images.



Face attributes recognition

Our fast algorithms will find and count all visible human faces in your image or video, even in low resolution. Who are those people? We are providing estimated information about their age and gender.

Generic Video and Image Search

Generic Video and Image Search

Search by video in video or by image in image data

Searching a short video in a longer one. Invariant to light changes, image deformations like scaling, black borders, compression artifacts, logo addition. Extremely fast, low storage requirements. Searching by image in databases containing millions of images. Use your image as an search input, we can recognize cropped, rotated and edited images, even in low resolution, including object detection in different photos taken from different viewpoints.